Online fine checking by IIN and BIN

  • Payments for traffic violations

  • Fines for administrative offenses

  • Enforcement proceedings

  • Restrictions on leaving the country

How fine checking works


Using the checking service, you will receive information about:

  • Amount and number of debts
  • Being on the list of debtors with restriction on traveling abroad
  • Debtor status in enforcement proceedings

Service features

In addition to checking fines by IIN and BIN, you will receive a lot of useful and necessary information

Through the Adata service you can:

  • Check travel ban status

    For those planning a vacation or business trip abroad.

  • Check vehicle history by state number and registration

    Find out if your car was involved in traffic accidents, as well as the presence of outstanding fines, technical inspection status and transport tax.

  • Mass vehicle checking

    Check the entire vehicle fleet at once, without the need to check each vehicle separately.

Get all the necessary information in one place quickly and safely, thanks to a unified solution for business tasks with the Adata service.

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